So student were told they can bring food as pot luck to their class( i thought they are given a Children's Day for that?!?!And they can do that on Teacher's Day too?! yoh... so unfair). I was assigned to help the form teacher in 1 particular class since i m not a form teacher myself(lolx). So i bring along a camera and thought taking picture of the cute cute student but wtf they all turn away. SO i only get a few shot actually that i m satisfy. Here goes.
Haha, i can be uglier than Ye Lao Tze when I m eating!

On the left, her favorite quote is Ye Lao Tze, how to do this 1?
On the right, my favorite student. Not the smartest, but definately the cutest.
I might be the tiniest in the class, but i still so
Wei ya, the flash of ur camera almost got me blind leh!!!
Hu say nice guys have to finish last?? Just that
lao tze put our picture here.
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