Do you remember the time when u r still tiny small and doesn't have to drive in those annoying jam around town? Those happy moment where u can speak anything u feel or think? Back then every1 seems to be so nice and dun hold grudges. As u grow older, u start to understand that the world is full of different characteristic individuals and you have to choose your words wisely. Because same phrase make up from same word sounds different to each people. Then u start to become a little more quiet and soon before long you end up like me these days doesn't speak much unless to very very close individual.
Oh, I will be going to Sarawak to further my study. Y not Australia? Y not US? Y not around KL 1? The answer for the first 2 is i can't afford, the answer for the last Q is because I have not done well in my STPM so I can only get uni with lower requirement loh. I m doing Civil Engineering and it will take 4 years to complete. Not much people with miss me la, but I believe I will miss a lot of things. So i briefly list a bit of them :
1. Jamming with the Dwn
2. Futsal with ex-schoolmate
3. Holding the guitar and pretending to be Jimi Hendrix
4. Nagging from my mom(ironically I always wish she can just keep quiet)
5. You who is reading my blog
Another list on what i wish:
1. Nice uni-mate
2. Meet pretty and rich Sarawak gal
3. My guitar is with me
4. Learn how to take care of myself well and make my mom eat her words ha
Here is the picture of the students of class 1H, the class which i teach for 13 periods each week.
There are 6 malay students in the class?!?! Wrong. There are 7 of them. 1 was absent.
Ngehh ngehhh... Do we have the looks to be the future "Tai Kor"?
I dun even noe the name of the gal in the center because she move into the class just yesterday ha.
See... same V pose. And i m not joking when i say i m the tiniest in the class.
Rmb their faces. For this is the face of bad bad bad boy.
Y the gal close her mouth like that? Becoz she lost lots of her front teeth. (Woi, changing la... not lost)
Monitor and his assistant. People get first in the class leh. I think he noe more chinese words than Soo Ming haha.
They can really laugh their heart out.
Notice the 2 guy button all the way up their neck! I used to do that too.
Battery running low so squenze in more people in 1 take haha. All 4 of them is students that all teacher like. Hardworking yet not annoying haha
I say gal y look away? this is gonna be the last time u look at me leh
They always ask me tonnes of questions that sometime too hard to answer
I have to take their picture because every1 get to. (really that reluctant meh? haha joking only la)
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