Chinese New Year is so near that I can actually feel it breathing on the back of my neck. And like every CNY season, the temperature is rising day by day. But still you can tell it is suppose to be that way, because u see lot lots of thing in red during CNY, and red is always related to hot. So you suppose to get heated when you are celebrating CNY.

That's hot!
Excuse me, this got nothing to do with temperature.

Now that is one smokin hot sun.
Anyway, you should always wear red on CNY.
IF you can't do that, then you should at least wear red on the first day.
IF you can't do that too, then you should just compensate people with a bigger red angpow!
Here shown below are some hot RED item:

Start with a cap. I dun like MAN U so I picked Ferrari.

Polo-T, you can't go wrong with it!

Casual chic at it's very best

Killer stiletto heel.
For those hu wan to go a step or two extreme:

Flaming red wig.

Red lens, any1?
I would like to get a kiss from those lips anytime, not just CNY only.

And not forgetting bout the kids:

Kids have very good reason to visit McD.
Just tell ur parents you wan to see some red.
LOL watever that means.
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