My ex-roommate is too jealous that I m having the time of my life with my new roommate, hence he decided to spoil our honeymoon by crashing at our room, taking up lots of space in our small lil room, not to mentioned sucking up more oxygen than both of us with his big nose.
And no, we never have sex party in the room, no threesome, no blow job.
Facebooking like nobody business while blocking the walkway.

From the picture u can see he is really not proud of his behaviour and thus that explained the cover up of his face.
This is his trusted evil tool that hooked him to Facebook, he have no idea how come it lagged when DoTa-ing but I suspect the JellyFish have something to do with it.
Finally, he realised that his presense is not most welcome and come to sense that he is my ex(roommate) and nothing he can do will change that, he then moved out on Tuesday afternoon. but only to the next door unit. Shit. But that's life, you can't expect everything to go in your favorite.
P.s: I think I just get myself a really nice gift. Is going to be really awesome.
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