Monday, November 26, 2007


I believe that anyone who have study Chinese before would have heard this phrase. And normally as soon as this phrase is heard, you will soon get a story telling session from the teacher on example of success story.

I used to believe with it too. Not until I practice guitar so hard to work on speed and accuracy only to understand my finger is just too damn short; not until I try wooing the same girl for so long only to found out that she is a lesbian.

SEE! There are things in this world that u simply can't change no matter how hard u try!

For everything else, use a master card! (Damn that sure sounds nice)

Sorry sorry. For everything else, you just have to try your best and sometimes a little help from luck might set you on the track to your goal.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: 世上无难事,只怕有心人!若真有难事,只好找别人!

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