Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thin like stick

Before I went down and meet my senior which I suppose to have dinner with, I can't help but to pray hard that she will not mention anything about my weight.

As soon as I sit down, she look at me and said: You are thinner.

me: ............

she: You really are thinner than before.

me: is that even possible? Given that I am so thin before this.

she: You beat the odd, then.

me: .............

me: lets eat!

I had fried rice, soya bean, and burger. Slam it down~~~~~

Ouch, am I actually shrinking thinner? OMG, I m going to take my breakfast now. Bye~~~~


Anonymous said...

thinner than stick?

Yi said...

dislike it! im gaining and u're getting thinner.. why?!!

敏感的思考者 said...

because u need to be student all over again to lose weight. Lol