Is not common for me to remember things vividly without tiny bits of details lost, and is just as hard as for me to have dream.
So imagine how happy I am that I can actually recall the dream I had yesterday. I am happy that I can remembered it, but I am actually confused with the dream itself.
I was helping in the shop that I previously worked in, but I am not actually paid to work in the dream. I volunteered to help out. Everyone is in the shop except that one person that matters more wasn't there.
But instead of packing product of the shop, I am actually dealing with floppy disk (which is somehow relate to this one time when I help my friend to put CD in cover), who on earth use floppy disk now anyway?
Then someone's phone rang. That someone pick up the phone and start talking. Then she look at me, pause a while, and told the other end: Your ex-bf is here, you wanna come?
She hung up the phone and says: she will only come over earliest by October.
and then the dream end. Fade into total blackness.
I am not sure what is it about? But could it be telling me that I shouldn't look backward and look forward instead?
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