Thursday, January 7, 2010

failed to plan = planned to fail?

The last time I have a to-do list was when I wanted to get my passport and student pass renew, which was about 3 months back.

Guess I'm never a guy with plan, is cute when you are 13/14, but is pain in the ass when you are 22. How can one grown adult has no plan for his future? I can argue that my plan now is to graduate with my degree by 2011. But that is not plan, that is nature running at its own course. Unless I fail some of my subject, I will always be graduating by then.

Beside being lazy, I guess I like it when I'm not restricted by any plans in any part of my life. But lately, I m having second thought bout that statement.

You see, a promise is a kind of plan as well. And plan can be a guideline to how you live your life. What I see as a downfall can work as an advantage as well.

Living my life with no plan has not been great for me, so maybe I should try having plan in my life to see how far can I go with it. Ouch, that is going to take a great deal of effort for a lazy ass like me. LOL

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