Monday, January 11, 2010


I'm broke.

No money broke, not heart-broken broke.

Ya, I know, is not the first time I say that. But those previous complain about me being broke is just sorta like a reminder for myself to control my spending. And it sorta works as I do notice some sort of improvement on the depletion of my account balance. But sadly, that kind of improvement is not enough to stop me from being officially broke.

Looking back, I come to my sense that I was indeed spending too frantically,crazily and stupidly. Spending money that I never have, well, as in spending while not making any money. And not buying stuff using credit card and then paying minimum amount stated on the monthly statement.

The sad thing here is I cannot remember since when I started to spend money like how I am doing right now. But at least now I know where my problem is, and I shall start to find way to remedy it before it is too late.

I will start by eating dirt cheap lunch which consist of vegie and rice only. Okla, I need to cut down on my crave to buy shirts, pants, shoes. And to avoid fancy or luxurious looking eatery in the future unless is valentine, mom's bday, my bday,gf's bday and etc. Well, u get the idea right?

But of course there are something that I will not give in lo, like making phone call to friends to keep my sanity in balance keep in touch with.

I'm looking forward to have my salary by the end of the month, because I need to pay the money I owe my parents. I guess there will be no clothes for this coming CNY. lol

*decided to write unimportant stuff like my financial condition instead of some church torching incident that seems to be on everyone's blog.

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