Monday, September 14, 2009

Uno, Ichi, yi, 1 , satu , one

I noticed that I have not blog about serious stuff for a long time. Is not like everything I post about lately is pure joke and for fun, but what I meant was I have not blog about serious topic that will eventually pissed people off. LOL

I m sure you come across number 1 a lot for the past few months. this number is almost certain to follow by the word Malaysia.

Unless you have been studying in Australia, UK, US, India, Russia and etc, and never thought of coming back to this miserable country, then I m pretty sure u know what is 1Malaysia.

To some, is a great idea. But idea is not always ideal for people to actually work it on.

To some, is a great policy. But how many successful policy the government have had for the last decade?

To some, is a great song name. Hence you turn on radio and kept hearing people singing 1Malaysia, 1 Negara, 1 Bangsa.

To me, is just a gimmick, a put on display for the people of Malaysia, to show them that the new government really want a harmony and unity nation. WTF?!?! Which country in the world doesn't want that?

Unity people is not as easy as launching a few poem writing, song composing competition or having a massive open house. It takes understanding and non-bias leadership to make it work. The unity of this country has been torn by its very own government for far too long, and is really sad for me to tell you the unavoidable truth: 1Malaysia is going to fail big time.

1 comment:

Joel said...

Hey, the last paragraph is really good.